NonViolent Communication: a Powerful Tool for Resolving Interpersonal Conflict

NonViolent Communication: a Powerful Tool for Resolving Interpersonal Conflict

Nonviolent Communication (NVC) is a powerful communication method developed by Marshall Rosenberg. It focuses on expressing needs and feelings honestly and compassionately, while avoiding judgment and blame. NVC can be a valuable tool for improving relationships, resolving conflicts, and fostering understanding.

The Four Components of NVC
NVC is based on four essential components:

  1. Observations: Stating facts without judgment or evaluation.
  2. Feelings: Expressing your own feelings honestly and directly.
  3. Needs: Identifying the underlying needs that are motivating your feelings.
  4. Requests: Making specific, clear, and doable requests to address your needs.

To practice NVC, follow these steps:

  1. Observe without Evaluating: Notice what is happening without making judgments or blaming others.
  2. Express Your Feelings: Most people confuse their thoughts and judgements as feelings. It’s crucial to separate thoughts and judgments from feelings
  3. Identify Your Needs: Determine the underlying needs that are motivating your feelings.  This is the most important aspect of NVC. Most of your upset feelings and negative judgments come from unmet needs.   It is far more effective to talk about ones needs.  When someone is upset with you, focus on identifying their unmet needs.
  4. Make Specific Requests: Clearly state what you need or want from the other person.

Here are some examples of NVC in action in getting to an unmet need:

  • Identifying the Need Behind Anger:
    •Situation: A person is angry at their partner for forgetting to take out the trash.
    •NVC: "When you forget to take out the trash, I feel frustrated and overwhelmed. I need help with household chores to feel supported and less stressed.

  • Recognizing the Need Behind Sadness:
    •Situation: A person is feeling sad after losing a job.
    •NVC: "I'm feeling sad and discouraged after losing my job. I need a sense of security and financial stability."

  • Understanding the Need Behind Fear:
    •Situation: A person is afraid of public speaking.
    •NVC: "When I think about giving a presentation, I feel anxious and scared. I need to feel confident and competent in my abilities."
  • Identifying the Need Behind Jealousy:
    •Situation: A person is feeling jealous of their partner's friendship with someone else.
    •NVC: "When I see you spending time with your friend, I feel jealous and insecure. I need to feel loved and valued in our relationship."
  • Recognizing the Need Behind Criticism:
    •Situation: A person is criticizing their partner for being messy.
    •NVC: "When the house is messy, I feel stressed and overwhelmed. I need a clean and organized living space to feel comfortable and at peace."

Benefits of NVCNVC can have many benefits, including:

  • Improved Relationships: NVC can help you build stronger and more compassionate relationships.
  • Reduced Conflict: By focusing on needs and feelings, NVC can help you resolve conflicts more peacefully.
  • Increased Empathy: NVC can help you understand and empathize with others better.
  • Enhanced Self-Awareness: NVC can help you become more aware of your own needs and feelings.
  • Improved Communication: NVC can help you communicate more effectively and assertively.

By practicing NVC, you can develop stronger relationships, improve your communication skills, and create a more peaceful and compassionate world.  I strongly recommend reading Marshal Rosenberg's Book On Non Violent Communication.  It does take some practice. But it is really worth it.

Robert Schwarz, PsyD, DCEP, ACAP-EFT
Author of: Tools for Transforming Trauma
        We’re No Fun Anymore

Dr Schwarz sees clients in person in Bryn Mawr and via Telehealth.   He also provides Consultation and Supervision in energy psychology and psychotherapy.
He also available for keynotes and workshops.

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